Sunday, October 15, 2006

well I did most of it!

Dear all and secret pal!
So much has happened this week. This could be a long post bear with me!!
I got my secret pal and my pal. My husband will tell you that I am rubbish at keeping secrets, so this could be tricky.
But welcome pal, do ask if you have any questions.
I've started planning my gifts already for my pal, but I can't tell you about them, because that would give the game away!

I've done lots of family things.
Friday night I had a knit in with my MIL, and she finished my kneckwarmer. I think it was more painful for her to see me struggling with it than it was for me to knit it. I have not given in with knitting I have just learnt a few valuable lessons. I definitely had the wrong size needles for the yarn, which for a beginner was a bit of a problem, so mil took over and I sewed the buttons on. I did about 75% of it! And it's very very cool. It's a ball of Noro Kureyon, I may have to have another ball to have another go. It's lovely to wear. subtle as ever. ( i dont post me very often!)

It was my mums birthday on friday and we did a birthday weekend, we were going to go to a folk festival, but they priced us out of the market so we had a take in curry from our local excellent curry house. Now to those who know me this will be a surprise. I shouldn't eat curries, as I have a Hiatus Hernia which gives me indigestion if I eat various things such as citrus fruits or spicey food. But somethimes you have to live little and face to consequences. The meal was fabulous and I've not suffered that much which is cool.
I also crocheted my first flower from, the Happy hooker book. Which wasnt easy as it's in american and I can only just managed to remember the british names. And we'd plied my mil with wine so the crochet weas a bit blurry!
But with the fab help of my MIL and the heckling of my father and father in law, we got there.
Then we went out for sunday lunch today ( more food ) I might not eat for a long time.
Then I took Adam to his first big birthday party since he started school. Don't get me started about it, you'd be there a long time..... cost!!!!..... 38 children under 5!!!!....... I dont think I need to say more. The picky of the neck warmer and me was taken post party!!

Oooohhhh exciting news, my November course is fully booked!!!!!

and I have a few for the October one. aaaahhhhh better start planning again.
I back working 2 days a week as of this week and then I'm off for half term. Definitely in denial.

have fun


Anonymous said...

Hello Secret Pal :o)

I'm going to send you a gift this week, just a wee surprise. I'll let you know when I've sent it.

Love the scarf! x

Jody said...

Awesome scarf! I love the buttons! I am craving some good Indian food - I spent a semester in London and no where in the US is the Indian food as good as it was there!
