Tuesday, January 30, 2007

my family and other animals

Dear all,
It seems a lifetime.
Chaos theory was modelled on my family.
Before I start I would like to thank my secret pal for a fab package, I will post pickies tomorrow.
So... so much has happened, new arrivals and birthdays and five yr old parties.
so here is a montage to chaos
Firstly meet GKB, isn't he fab! this was a birthday present from my BIL and SIL, he's made of recycled yarns, and I think he sums up the good kharma bunny completely, thankyou T & S

I got my Anna Crutchley cord winder, I've not had a chance to play with it yet.
Then of course there is the small matter of our new arrival MOSCOW, brace yourself for some terribly cute kitten pickies.He's yummy and settling in really well.
Chaos theory reigned yesterday when in the space of a few hours EMI decided she could open stair gates and doors and moscow decided he could also climb over stair gates.... stair gates pose not threat to anyone then...( apart from adults!)
I finally had a lovely birthday, chaos just won for a while, with everyone having colds and working etc. My ever understanding hubby took me out for a lovely meal on friday night and I had a large brandy, which made my cold melt. I got some fab yarny prezzys, more tomorrow.
We also threw a five yr old party on sunday, a home made party not a one in a box, one with party games and pass the parcel. Big hit and it was fancy dress.. here's adam's, I'll show you one of me later when a I find a flattering one. No prizes for guessing who he was. chaos intervened again yesterday with adam getting a chest infection out of nowhere and having to have steroids and antibiotics... fun fun fun.

more tomorrow
lots of love
al x

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

this looks fun!

Whilst perusing the web, like you do, I had a look at my secret pal hostesses blog, her name is Jody, and she's fab.
I thought I would point you in her direction because it looks like she had lots of fun on a workshop.
I followed the links and went all sorts of places. I thought you might like to to, cos it ends up with some cool photos
So I started at Jody's blog javajem
Them to mama E's blog, cos that was with whom she did the dyeing workshop
then I went to the flicker group that was set up as a result of the dyeing day course. if you click on more photos and view as a slide show....
It's a shame it all happened in the US, it looks like a lot of fun. alot of yarn and colour and a cool looking skein winder.
just a little web crawl...
off to make alot of ickle cakes to take into work tomorrow.
Al x

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

a Motherly moment!

Humour me for a moment
My boy is five today!!!
I have a five year old boy!
my boy is five!
It doesn't matter which way I put it I still can't believe it, it doesn't seem possible.
No matter what you do,you find yourself doing the "what was I doing this time five years ago?"
As the years go one, I can look back and laugh. It all mellows with time.
It can't have been that bad, Emi's is two next month aaaarghhhhh.
And I'm picking up the kitten on saturday! ( yes I openly admit it is a denial thing for what I really want). You wait!
I love being a mum, even though its hard work.
This week is always mad in our house, which kinda ties in with what I was doing this time five years ago. Adam's birthday is today, cousin Bethans is tomorrow and mine is Thursday ( this is not a plug honest). So this time five years ago on thursday, I was in tears cos the nursing staff had just brought me a black forest gateau birthday cake, and a specialist had just decided to whisk me across a hospital for a chest xray in a wheel chair, cos I couldnt walk that far after the c section.
I'd do it all again for another. Aren't hormones silly/stupid things.
OK silly motherly moment over until at least emi's birthday.
Did I mention I got a bead spinner for my birthday! pickies to follow.
Did I also mention we ( mac's niece and I ) are having a joint five yr olds party on sunday, aaaaaarghhhhhhhhh.
Emi's word of the day "DOG"!
lots of love
al x

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Ply Split Braiding Course

Dear All,
Some of you will already have seen the press release for my next few courses.
I thought it might be a good idea to show people what we will be doing on the plysplit braiding course.
This is what we are going to learn to do on the day.
Three types of pattern
the wave,
the oriental wave
and the spiral
we will also have a go at cord winding with two types of cord winder.
Now the information;
The course is on Saturday 24th of February
It's being held in shepshed ( loughborough, Leics)
The course is £15 and that includes some materials.
You will need to bring a packed lunch.
I'm also doing a kumihimo braiding course on Saturday April 28th
an advanced kumihimo braiding course on Saturday May 19th
and I'm running some basic hand felting courses in June.
If you want any more information or wish to book a place email me on goodkharmabunny at tiscali dot co dot uk ( sorry have to do it that way to avoid spam)
I hope to see you then
Al x

Saturday, January 13, 2007

lots of fun!! winding!

Dear all,
Lots of very exciting textiley stuff a happening!
I finally got around to spending some of the money I earnt over the last few courses, and like a good little entrepreneur (did I hear you lot laughing out there!?!?) I have ploughed it all back into the business!! the fact that I've wanted all of these things before I even started the courses is not the point!!!!!!!! I don't feel so guilty buying them cos I earnt the money. And for those coming on the courses you will be able to use them to, if your really good!!
This week I have bought a skein winder off ebay!!WHich is great cos it clamps to things,
from here
A ball winder from P & M Woolcraft
and ordered another cord winder, for my iminent ply split workshop ( aaaahhhh) from Anna Crutchley.
I've also ordered some beads for my advanced kumihimo workshop... more of that when I get them.
So the skein winder and ball winder arrived and we have had fun. the plan is put skein on skein winder and wind it on to the ball winder, hmmmm. It kinda works. Just as well no one took pickies..... and I couldnt curse cos adam was winding the ball winder, where there is a handle to wind there is a small boy to wind it. I couldnt have done it without him.
SO you can see we managed a few skeins. Practise is needed.
Off to tie down the house and hide the valuable before the kitten arrives next weekend.
al x
P.S I've just sent out the publicity for the next few good kharma courses. If anyone has a queries let me know.

Saturday, January 06, 2007

lots of daft things

I'm sure over the last few months there are lots of things that I've not told you.
Here's a couple...
I subscribed to Craft....... now it takes a lot to blow my mind but this did. it's crafty people doing daft things.
Did I also mention I was in the latest braid society newsletter, cant show you that but can show you me on the new braid society web site
Also on the Kumihimo yahoo group yesterday someone pointed in the direction of this fab site... armour for cats and mice.... mind blown again....
Yesterday I subscribed to the textile directory which is free digitally.... looks cool .lists all textile people in the uk ( think)
I've just ordered a skein winder and ball winder....
and I'm about to order another cord winder and place an order with shirley berlin for some very cool braiding bits......
It's all go....... I apologise for a repetition from previous messages, but it's all stuff that still cool.
off to write a plysplit workshop
lots of love al x

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

bling!!! puurrrrrr!

I'm reminded of that great christmas classic,
"santa Baby"
(I think it was Marilyn Munroe)
and if I had the brain cells I would find it on the web and put a link in etc etc...
you will just have to imagine me singing it.... something about a sable under a tree.....
But as I had the tummy bug for new year followed by a hum dinger of migraine, the world is still a bit fuzzy and alot delicate. yey
The end of 2006 was a bit hard work in our household but we are determined that 2007 is going to be more fun.
we've got lots of birthdays soon and nanas going to see aunty het in new zealand, oh and there are more good kharma bunny courses on the cards, ( a press release will follow once I've written it) etc....

But why the santa quote I hear you ask.....
Well because of what i got for christmas.
I'm sure the song has a diamond ring in it somewhere.
I got a beautiful antique (second hand) 9ct gold sapphire and diamond ( they are there honest) ring!
it's the top one. The other two have a story as well.... the silver band is my husbands wedding ring, which when he lost a huge amount of weight ( marriage will do that to you) I offered to wear it for him. The other is another antique ring that I bought for me when I had Adam. some people have tattoos I have antique sapphire rings!!

I got lots of fab books as well for christmas, mainly about felting and knitting. I'll tell you more later. ooh and a hair drier thank you MIL, cos I borrowed hers before christmas and never gave it back. Did I mention I was growing my hair.....
The other exciting thing that happened last week was this chap
meet kitten, he's only three weeks old, aaaahhhhhhhh
He should be joining our household on the 21st of january aaahhhhh ( only should cos I dont like to jinx these sort of things)
we have provisional names but we cant say for definite that he's a boy just yet.
But I thought I'd give a sneek peek.
enough of my ramblings
lots of new year cheer and good kharma bunny vibes
al x