Lots of very exciting textiley stuff a happening!
I finally got around to spending some of the money I earnt over the last few courses, and like a good little entrepreneur (did I hear you lot laughing out there!?!?) I have ploughed it all back into the business!! the fact that I've wanted all of these things before I even started the courses is not the point!!!!!!!! I don't feel so guilty buying them cos I earnt the money. And for those coming on the courses you will be able to use them to, if your really good!!
This week I have bought a skein winder off ebay!!WHich is great cos it clamps to things,
from here
A ball winder from P & M Woolcraft
and ordered another cord winder, for my iminent ply split workshop ( aaaahhhh) from Anna Crutchley.
I've also ordered some beads for my advanced kumihimo workshop... more of that when I get them.
So the skein winder and ball winder arrived and we have had fun. the plan is put skein on skein winder and wind it on to the ball winder, hmmmm. It kinda works. Just as well no one took pickies..... and I couldnt curse cos adam was winding the ball winder, where there is a handle to wind there is a small boy to wind it. I couldnt have done it without him.
SO you can see we managed a few skeins. Practise is needed.
Off to tie down the house and hide the valuable before the kitten arrives next weekend.
al x
P.S I've just sent out the publicity for the next few good kharma courses. If anyone has a queries let me know.
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