Tuesday, January 23, 2007

a Motherly moment!

Humour me for a moment
My boy is five today!!!
I have a five year old boy!
my boy is five!
It doesn't matter which way I put it I still can't believe it, it doesn't seem possible.
No matter what you do,you find yourself doing the "what was I doing this time five years ago?"
As the years go one, I can look back and laugh. It all mellows with time.
It can't have been that bad, Emi's is two next month aaaarghhhhh.
And I'm picking up the kitten on saturday! ( yes I openly admit it is a denial thing for what I really want). You wait!
I love being a mum, even though its hard work.
This week is always mad in our house, which kinda ties in with what I was doing this time five years ago. Adam's birthday is today, cousin Bethans is tomorrow and mine is Thursday ( this is not a plug honest). So this time five years ago on thursday, I was in tears cos the nursing staff had just brought me a black forest gateau birthday cake, and a specialist had just decided to whisk me across a hospital for a chest xray in a wheel chair, cos I couldnt walk that far after the c section.
I'd do it all again for another. Aren't hormones silly/stupid things.
OK silly motherly moment over until at least emi's birthday.
Did I mention I got a bead spinner for my birthday! pickies to follow.
Did I also mention we ( mac's niece and I ) are having a joint five yr olds party on sunday, aaaaaarghhhhhhhhh.
Emi's word of the day "DOG"!
lots of love
al x


Mac's niece said...

Well, take 5 mins to congratulate yourself on two lovely children, and 5 years well spent.

Happy Birthday to Adam.

Anonymous said...

You're making me feel all broody :o)

I'll be posting your 2nd package tomorrow, so hopefully you'll have it in time for your birthday. Another package will follow by the end of the month, I'm waiting on some deliveries :o)

Hope Adam has a lovely birthday. I'd better knit him a late present!

Your SP9 xxx