Tuesday, October 31, 2006

secret pal 9 whoop!!

Just a quicky cos hubby needs to get on the computer, but I got my first secret pal package and it fab.
thank you thank you thank you. It's wonderful. I love the colours and Emi loves her prezzy.
off to eat my choc.
I will post pickies tomorow.
al x

happy halloween! or BOO!

Dear All,
Happy Halloween!
Or bah humbug as our town seems to be this year.
last year we had loads of very friendly trick or treaters this year hardly any!
such a shame coz I'd really tried to make an effort, The boy and emi had had their faces painted since about 3.30pm. we'd got the pumpkin lit we'd got lots of treats. even the one family that we usually visit wasnt answering the door.Never mind.
got some cool pickies tho.

Saturday, October 28, 2006

We did it!!

We did it!
The first course is under my belt and all with the help of my fab support team. Mum was on refreshments and money collection, and sister and mil were infultrating the crowd.
I think it went really well, I will have pickies soon.
I've had really good feedback so far, and everyone left smiling and with lots of samples.
more soon as too tired to type.
al x

Thursday, October 26, 2006

A puzzler and Diwali expedition

Dear all,
We're on holiday! and the plan to do nothing has worked very well. It helped that the boy was a bit poorly with an impressive cough, so we just stayed in for a few days doing housey things that have needed doing for a very long time.
I'm running my first big course on Saturday and everything seems to be all in place, I'm sure you can overplan something like this.
We had a lovely morning today and went to see the Diwali lights in Leicester, we bought lots of yummy things from the asian supermarket and some diwali sweets (now feel very sick). I also bought an outfit, a top, trousers and scarf in black cotton and lots of silver sequins all for £6!!!
It only needs a little tweek to make it perfect.
The puzzler of the week comes from an incident yesterday and a little forward thinking for xmas.
My Emi loves music and will happily dance to almost anything. You should have seen the family dancing to saturday night fever last night.
Yesterday in a cafe she started to jiggle whilst eating her lunch and I realised it was a classic Madonna track. I found myself saying this is madonna I'm sure you'll have alot of this in your music collection when your older.
So I'm thinking of buying her a cheap cd player for xmas and think I will buy her a few classic albums to get her jigging, the quesion is what? You know over the years there will be the odd terrible Barbie and high five cd, but I'd like to get her off to a good start, wouldn't you?....
The question is.....
What do you buy a small girl to get her music collection started??
Answers on a blog to me....
al x

Friday, October 20, 2006

I sold something!!

Just a quicky tonight.
Look what I did.
I was showing the braids to a lady at work and she likes the colours of one and asked me to make her a light pull for her bathroom.
So I did. It's a cord using hand dyed linen.
She picked the bead.
She was really pleased with it and paid me what I asked and a bit more.
ooohhh very excited.
Hope you like it.
More excitement in that my November braiding course is fully booked and I have quite a few for my October one.
Off to Weavers spinners and dyers tomorrow for a Crochet workshop, looking forward to it.
al x

Sunday, October 15, 2006

well I did most of it!

Dear all and secret pal!
So much has happened this week. This could be a long post bear with me!!
I got my secret pal and my pal. My husband will tell you that I am rubbish at keeping secrets, so this could be tricky.
But welcome pal, do ask if you have any questions.
I've started planning my gifts already for my pal, but I can't tell you about them, because that would give the game away!

I've done lots of family things.
Friday night I had a knit in with my MIL, and she finished my kneckwarmer. I think it was more painful for her to see me struggling with it than it was for me to knit it. I have not given in with knitting I have just learnt a few valuable lessons. I definitely had the wrong size needles for the yarn, which for a beginner was a bit of a problem, so mil took over and I sewed the buttons on. I did about 75% of it! And it's very very cool. It's a ball of Noro Kureyon, I may have to have another ball to have another go. It's lovely to wear. subtle as ever. ( i dont post me very often!)

It was my mums birthday on friday and we did a birthday weekend, we were going to go to a folk festival, but they priced us out of the market so we had a take in curry from our local excellent curry house. Now to those who know me this will be a surprise. I shouldn't eat curries, as I have a Hiatus Hernia which gives me indigestion if I eat various things such as citrus fruits or spicey food. But somethimes you have to live little and face to consequences. The meal was fabulous and I've not suffered that much which is cool.
I also crocheted my first flower from, the Happy hooker book. Which wasnt easy as it's in american and I can only just managed to remember the british names. And we'd plied my mil with wine so the crochet weas a bit blurry!
But with the fab help of my MIL and the heckling of my father and father in law, we got there.
Then we went out for sunday lunch today ( more food ) I might not eat for a long time.
Then I took Adam to his first big birthday party since he started school. Don't get me started about it, you'd be there a long time..... cost!!!!..... 38 children under 5!!!!....... I dont think I need to say more. The picky of the neck warmer and me was taken post party!!

Oooohhhh exciting news, my November course is fully booked!!!!!

and I have a few for the October one. aaaahhhhh better start planning again.
I back working 2 days a week as of this week and then I'm off for half term. Definitely in denial.

have fun

Press release

I have an announcement, my exceptionally talented sister has launched her website!
It contains fabulous handmade bags jewellery and accessories made by Bel (Isabel) and my mum (Anne).
So go along to www.isabelmaryrose.co.uk and let her know what you think.
al x

Sunday, October 08, 2006

admissions of a beginner knitter

So I admit I'm a beginner knitter, Everyone has to start somewhere, but I'm determined to succeed.
I got so frustrated last week, I took this picture!

My husband walked in and looked quizically at me...
I believe I said" I may not be able to knit But I can cook a mean muffin!

I've knitted three things this week, one worked!!! number 2 counts as a lesson learnt, the other is a AWIP ( annoying work in progress).
The lesson learnt was a hat for emi. The principle was good I wanted a unique hat for her to wear on the way to school to drop adam off. So I decided a square felted one would be cool, (extra warm). I had a skein of a lovely Noro yarn

and I knitted it fine and sewed it together fine

hmmm..... Then I felted it

the sides weren't long enough and the top was too big. It is now a very unique vessel, but Emi still insists on wearing it!

The second was a huge sucess, my black felted bag, with decoration. I am sooo pleased with it.
Emi loves any bag that I produce

the third, my mother in law has taken pitty on me and insisted I go to hers on friday for a knitin to sort me out!!
Is there any hope for me?
al x

tell me your secrets ( evil cackle!?!!?!!!!)

The Heatherley at Yarn Yenta pointed out that Jody had suggested a few more questions for people to get to know one another for SP9.
I think I'm getting more nervous as the allocations get nearer, I feel like a SP virgin. I hope I will live up to the SP ethos. Thankyou to the Yarn Yenta for tips on SP ing.

1, favorite knitting spot?
In the car going somewhere that is a long way away. I cant do anything else but sit and knit, (listen to music and eat chocolate.)
Ideally with no kids in the car, but that's unlikely, so with lots to amuze the kids that doesnt need parental supervision.
2, If you could suddenly never knit again - -what would you do instead?
I'm guessing if I couldn't knit I would struggle to crochet, braid and felt so I would have to paint, draw and photograph. Probably plants and stone buildings.

3, If you could travel anywhere in the world- where would you go and why?
morocco/ marrakesh, I've never been, but I imagine the colours and the fabrics and the spices.
I have a vision of hot colours, oranges, reds, burnt siena, yellows.....
Why? well It would be exotic and exciting.

4, when you were little - what did you want to do when you grew up, are you doing it now?
I wanted to be an archaeologist. An Indiana Jones.... I took my dream almost as far as I could.... I got the degree and the MA in Archaeology, and then they told me I could work but they wouldnt pay me ( no money in archaeology).....I specialised in building archaeology ( I love buildings)
I'm now an archivist of photographs for a quarrying company who has the best collection of old industrial photographs. I only work two days a week and do family and textiles the rest of the week.
What do I want to be now... I want to be a textile artist, but dont we all?

5, what is your favorite flavour icecream?
tough one...
I love hagen daz strawberry cheesecake icecream, but my budget doesnt really allow.
I'm very happy with vanilla icecream with chocolate sauce and chocolate sprinkles.

OOhh a correction, I have been reminded that I have a UFO that is definitely more than Four months old , I have some wagon Wheel weaving that is about 16mths old, but it's not knitting so does it count? thank you caged minutes!!!
al x

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Kumihimo Braiding

kumihimo disc
Originally uploaded by goodkharmabunny.
Dear all,
For those who have shown interest in my courses recently this is what it's all about... a kumihimo disc.
If you click on my Flickr photo collection ( bottom right) you will be able to see lots of examples of kumihimo braids as well as some of my ply split braiding and felting.


Monday, October 02, 2006

Secret pal 9 questionaire

Dear all, just so you don't all think I've completely lost it, I shall explain.
Over the next three months I am taking part in secret pal 9.
There are about 550 of us this time.....
The blog explains the concept alot better than I can...secretpal9
Basically you spoil someone (anonymously) and someone spoils you ( anonymously).
In order for your spoiler to get to know you, everyone has to fill in a questionaire.
So stand by to learn lots of things about me that many of you knew or didnt want to know.

1, Favourite yarn to knit with, and what fibres dont I like.
I love all yarns, I'm a bit scared by anything delicate or thinner than double knit, like mohair and 4ply. I tend towards chunky and natural. I like hemp and linen to do my braids with and I like nearly all the Noro yarns. I tend to buy alot of fantasy yarns ( hairy and acrylic) for knitting into felting wool and cords. I love silk yarns , but then who doesn't. I love banana yarn and sari silk, they make great cords. I love all of them.....

2, what do I use to store my needles/hooks in?
Crochet hooks currently in an old cigar box, knitting needles spread randomly around house (out of reach of small hands) (sorry)

3, How long have I been knitting, how did I learn, what level to I think I am.
I AM DEFINITELY A BEGINNER! But I'm trying very hard. I've been knitting about a year. my mum taught me and my mother in law is an excellent tutor in both knitting and crochet. mil is alot quicker than me aswell.

4, Do I have an amazon online wish list?

5, Favourite scent?
Lavender, sandlewood, rosewood.

6, Do I have a sweet tooth? favourite candy?
Yes very, but I'm a dark dark chocolate girl, or milk chocolate if I've run out. dont do chewy sweets.

7, what other crafts/do it yourself things do I like, do I spin?
felting, braiding; ply split braiding and kumihimo braiding, dyeing, spinning, anything that involves yarn or fibre.

8, what music do i like? am I MP3 compatible
I'm not MP3 compatible. I like nina simone, elvis costello , david bowie, the Scissor sisters, madeline peroux etc.... very broad likes. ( ooohh apparently my computer is MP3 compatible)

9, favourite colours? I go for most colour combinations as long as it has some element of purple, burgundy, peuce pink, maroon. I also like turquoise/jade.
I dont really have any dislikes that I know of.

10, family situation? pets?
Manic, One ever understanding husband of eight years, a four and a half year old boy and a very cute pink girl, of one and a half. And a cat called Lenny!

11, Scarves, hats, mittens, or ponchos?
I don't function without a scarf (inside or out) and I dont go outside without a hat

12, favourite item to knit? easy ones, I mainly do bags , hats and scarves. I like to knit accessories. I do quick projects, so I finish them.

13, what am I knitting now? a hat for my little girl

14 do I like to receive hand made gifts?
I Love to.

15, straight or circular needles? Bamboo, aluminium, plastic?
To early to say, although i seem to favour the circulars.

16, do I own a yarn winder or swift?
No, No

17, how old is your oldest UFO?
about four months

18, favourite holiday? Last year we had a lovely beach holiday to north Wales, with all the family. If I was been selfish I would say a quiet beach anywhere with my hubby, and a glass of red wine.
Or after reading other peoples answers christmas!

19, Do I collect anything?
yarn! Anything unusual that might be good in cords or knitted in for interest. my hubby says I dont have any room to collect anything else!
Stuff from the beach or bits from the walk to school, we have alot of conkers this week.
I seem to attract odd childrens socks. dont think that counts.

20, Any books, yarns, needles, patterns I want, what knitting subscription do I have?
I dont have any knitting subscriptions, I buy simply knitting sometimes, but find it frustrating cos I cant do alot of whats in it, or dont have to time. There are alot of books on my amazon list.

21, Any new techniques I would like to learn?
I think I need to master the basics first. Crochet seems to come easier to me than knitting. I keep thinking about knitting socks, but i think that may be a step to far. I've just managed to master knitting a seamless bag on two circular needles, so there is hope for me.

22, am i a sock knitter? foot size?
no I'm not, foot size uk 6 , not sure what other measurements you need.

23 birthday? 25th of January

hmm I feel completely bare and slightly insane!
al x