Monday, June 19, 2006

trying so hard to be professional

It doesn't come easily to me, I'm definitely a bucket chemistry girl, but I thought I'd share with you some of what I'm trying to do.
I'm desperately trying to document the results of the dyeing day, when really I want to dive straight in and use it.
I've finally written up my notes in my book that I've lost twice in the last two weeks! it's now under lock and key! I'm really pleased with it, as it just doesn't come easily to me.
And I've just taken some more cool garden pickies.
Who would have thought lettuces could look so fab, and an odd combination of pineapple mint and an alpine strawberry.
have fun
al x


Mac's niece said...

Great idea to record your dying details - what dyes do you use?

Good Kharma Bunny said...

They were Procion dyes, you need these for plant fibres and acid dyes for animal fibres.
For more info you'll have to ask the easter bunny!(mum)
al x