Thursday, September 14, 2006

k2 p2, knit to end?

(k2p2 knit to end?
arghhh, knitting doesn't come easily to me, but I'm determined not to be beaten, and I have a great teacher, my mum inlaw can knit, she makes my knitting look like a string vest. I'm getting better quickly, I'd like to add.)
dear all
I am here, had a blog block so going to brain storm this! and try harder over the weekend, promise
I'm launching the Good Kharma Bunny workshops.
More information over the weekend.
I'm knitting a neck warmer!
Found on the nubian Craftsers blog which led me to here
I've signed up to Crafters cos it looked so cool.
I'm knitting a bag! black
I'm looking for a job again!
I'm going to the knitting and stitching show tomorrow and Saturday
I'm getting quite good at making pack lunches!
so much fun, so little time
taking Emi on a train for the first time tomorrow aaaahhhh
Thought you might like this
al x

1 comment:

Mama Grouch said...

I looooooooooooove craftster!! I am horrible about commenting on stuff (only so many times you can type "gee, I love your xyz") but I have to comment at least 15 times to get in on the swaps.

I want to swap stuff on Craftster!

Your stupid sock creature is all ready to send out but I ran out of money for postage...just got paid today so I will send it out tomorrow or monday!