Sunday, April 01, 2007

Holiday yey!!

Dear All, Welcome to the goodkharmabunny on holiday.
We've all broken up for a weeks holiday, the boys have two weeks.
Last week didnt improve with hubby going to the speech therapist, which was fine, except he isnt allowed to say a word until tuesday, like complete silence.........
And I had to go back for another MRI on friday, cos they missed a bit, or the other excuse was that they changed their minds what they wanted.
but that is all behind us now, we have finally hit holiday, and it started well.
Mum and i went to an exhibition at the NEC yesterday called "sewing for pleasure"
SO we spent the day there and spent alot..... ( pickies later) but I couldnt find find any Amy Butler fabric anywhere, in fact no one had heard of her.........
Then we came home and mum and dad whilst the quiet one and i went out for supper, then this morning mum cooked us all a full english breakfast... wow what a 24hrs.
I'm only slightly bleary this morning.
On a different note thank you everyone for your wonderful comments about the website, I'm soo glad you like it.
the only problem is that most of my hits have been via my blog and I've now done another post, so my blatant website promotion is below, however there is a link to the good kharma bunny website on the right hand side!!!!!--------->------------->------------>
more later... off to suggest a pub visit to hubby.
al x

1 comment:

Mama Grouch said...

I totally missed the post(s) about the MRI and went back and now I am worried about you but trying to be reassured by all of your reassurance. Phew. That and I love you a little bit more for referencing Terry Pratchett on your website.

As far as the Amy Butler fabric goes I am going to send you an email with some ideas on how to get yourself some 'cause you deserve it. You don't ever have to sew with it, it is pretty enough to just leave on a side table and look at it for a while.

enjoy your vacation!