Wednesday, August 23, 2006

a little less conversation a little more felting!

Hmmm these musical quote things have got to stop.
I've been busy again!
I dont think I showed you the bag I made at the knitting and weaving workshop,

I went from.... couldn't figure out circular needles to .....knitting a bottom up seamless bag with two circular needles. The bag was made of pure knitting wool with sari silk threaded through. Then it was washed in the machine, it came out like an egg cup so had to be stretched alot.
I was so proud of myself.

I also went to the Leicestershire Weavers spinners and dyers felting day on saturday and made these. I'm afraid you might have to turn your head a bit, I haven't got the patience with blog tonight to try to turn them around. I was very please with the red and yellow bag, although it came out a bit hairy.

The blue and pink were going to be flowers but ended up as purses, it was fun, just messing about.

more soon
off to do some more braiding
al x


Mac's niece said...

Beautiful beautiful bags. Especially the turquise one with the sari silk. You have a great style, and convey the joy of what you are doing. Well done! Good luck with the courses.

Good Kharma Bunny said...

I'm going to have you on commission for the lovely comments.
thanks al x