Thursday, May 25, 2006


Originally uploaded by goodkharmabunny.
Every now and again I get it right, I just had to share this picky with you.
Just a quicky to let you all know we are alright. Thank you for the words of wisdom and support. You'd be amazed how may people are prepared to share their pox scars with you......
Adam is very very spotty, but seems to be coping. They only seem to itch when you ask if they do... four year old logic strikes again.
Si seems to be on the mend, slowly but surely. He's had the week off and watched nearly every CSI episode we own. He's hit the Inspector morse books now! cabin fever is beginning to hit.
No sign of any spots on Emi yet.
Adam and I spent the morning in the garden, so I took lots of pickies.
Will share more later.
al x

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