Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Another one of those mile post things!!

We did it!!!
We got through Adam's first half day at school!
We're all very very tired/exhausted!
but we survived.
I think he had a good time, it's the " so Adam what did you do today?"
" well, I can't remember"
That was the edited conversation, I gave lots of options, but he couldn't remember a thing!
but his book says " Adam had a very busy afternoon"
Oh dear, I know what that means.... adam was a whirling dervish all afternoon...
The best bit, apart from him being really please to see me afterwards, was the way he completely engraciated himself with the lollypop lady on the way home, by blowing her a kiss. totally unprompted.
More textiles soon, promise.
Oh and get those spring pickies entries in very soon, almost run out of time.
al x


Leigh said...

Your post brought both a smile to my face and happy memories to mind. When my own 2 were still little and in school , I would ask them the same question every day. "What did you do in school today?" The only things they could ever remember were recess and lunch!

Anonymous said...

I think Adam looks fab!! Is he teaching everyone else yet?
Hello little Emi in the background..

Anonymous said...

Smart boy!!